inforbaper Admin replied

338 weeks ago

The Star Trek Full Movie Download In Hindi

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a5c7b9f00b Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets.
It is the 23rd century and together with the crew of the Federation starship Enterprise we travel across the galaxy to meet new and exciting life forms on distant planets. The 80 episode TV series which was produced from 1966 to 1969 has now cult character and has fans all over the world.
I am a fan of "Star Trek," and have been so since 1976. I have never had a gripe about the series in the many years that I have been a fan but something happened to change all that.<br/><br/>I grew up.<br/><br/>When you're a kid, everything that you watch is pretty cool. "Star Trek," to me, was ULTRA cool. Then, adulthood sets in and you no longer see things through rose-colored glasses. Things that look beautiful in the night look downright ugly when it is dragged kicking and screaming into the light. That is the case with "Star Trek." If anything, the REAL captain should have been the clever Mr. Spock (The wonderful Leonard Nimoy). I realized this in the episode, "Requiem For Methuselah," when Kirk (Constantly hammy William Shatner)had the hots for Rayna (Louise Sorel), despite the fact that she's an android. Even though the people on the Enterprise are dying due to a type of plague, Kirk is obsessed with the girl/android, and even tells her to leave her ward. Spock tells Kirk basically to get his mind on his job, and out of her pants. Kirk is a man-whore, kissing practically every woman that he's with. Spock keeps his mind on his job. Sure, he has had a few lapses of skirt chasing ("Amok Time","This Side Of Paradise," "The Enterprise Incident," and "All Our Yesterdays."), but he didn't really have control of the situations(biology, environment,drugged or following orders for Starfleet). If you really look into each of the characters of "Star Trek," they have real flaws like everyone else: Kirk is a arrogant, skirt chasing bully, McCoy is a bigot (Just listen to some of the banter between McCoy and Spock), and Scotty is a drunk. The dialog is so cheesy, that you can have cheese sandwiches everyday till the end of time. Finally, the fight scenes. Kirk's way of fighting (His flying kick)is just too much.<br/><br/>This doesn't mean that I lost respect for the series. Far from it. I still love the show, but I am more aware of the stench of cheese flowing from the television.
Along with possibly M*A*S*H and Seinfeld this one transcended the television medium. Fifteen to twenty episodes of Star Trek were unique, feature-movie quality shows that playwell todaywhen originally run. The three year run followed the crew of the future-century Enterprise on various outer space missions. The interplay between senior officers Kirk, Spock and McCoy was priceless even when the script and story quality began dropping off. And drop off it does, somewhat through each year and significantly from the first year to the final year. None of the big-budget movies really captured the magic of the first year of the TV show, and the sequels (Next Generation ad nauseum) have been pretty dreadful. Beware of "best of" lists with this series: the SciFi Channel's top 12 or 15, voted on by fans a year or two ago, was pretty much spot on; TV Guide's Top 50 Star Trek Episode List (as with many other TV Guide Top 50 lists) was worse than arbitrary and laughably off the mark.

"TOS" is an abbreviation for "The Original Series". It is used by fans to diffferentiate between this series and any of the spin-off series. The other series are The Animated Series (TAS), The Next Generation (TNG), Deep Space Nine (DS9), Voyager (VOY), Enterprise (ENT) and Discovery (DSC). The original shooting model of the U.S.S. Enterprise measures 11 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 32 inches tall (3.4 x 1.5 x 0.8 metres), weighing in at about 200 pounds (90 kg). It is currently on display at the gift shop of the Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C. The model of the U.S.S. Enterprise was designed by <a href="/name/nm0420142/">Walter M. "Matt" Jeffries</a>. Nearly all Federation ships featured throughout "Star Trek" are based on this model. The crawl spaces on ships were named "Jeffries Tubes" in his honor. Desilu was a production company owned by <a href="/name/nm0000789/">Desi Arnaz</a> and <a href="/name/nm0000840/">Lucille Ball</a>. By the time "Star Trek" and "<a href="/title/tt0060009/">Mission: Impossible (1966)</a>" went into production in 1966, Ms. Ball was the sole owner of the studio. A year later, Paramount bought out Desilu, but Desilu was allowed to continue using their namelongtheir shows were in production.<br/><br/>Not every episode ends with Desilu. From "The Immunity Syndrome" through the end of the series, episodes end with the Paramount logo. A black and white print of "The Cage" was screened by <a href="/name/nm0734472/">Gene Roddenberry</a> in September, 1966 on the "World Science Fiction Convention" along with "Where No Man Has Gone Before."<br/><br/>In the 1980s a half black-and-white half color print was made available on VHS tape edited together from "The Menagerie" and a black and white print of "The Cage".<br/><br/>An original, full-color negative was found in the Paramount archives in 1988 (some fans speculate that they simply colorized the black-and-white print, but it seems unlikely). This print - and the full pilot itself - first aired in the United Statespart of a special during the strike-shortened second season of "<a href="/title/tt0092455/">Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)</a>," in October 1988. The first scheduled airing of the episode in the U.S. was on the Sci-Fi Channel in 1998.<br/><br/>The reason why some fans think that the color version was colorized is that they don't realize that the camera negative was silent. So what they did was to print the negative, and synch it with the soundtrack to the half black and white version (hence the quality of the sound changing like it had in the previous release). Season 1: Thursdays, 8:30 - 9:30pm. Season 2: Fridays, 8:30 - 9:30pm. Season 3: Fridays, 10:00 - 11:00pm. All times are Eastern/Pacific. (NBC aired 12 or 13 third season episodes during the summer of 1969 on Tuesdays at 7:30 - 8:30, replacing "<a href="/title/tt0061267/">The Jerry Lewis Show</a>," a variety show. Most of them were third season repeats, but "<a href="/title/tt0708485/">Turnabout Intruder</a>" had its first run in that time slot, on June 3, 1969.) No. "Star Trek" had no predetermined ending point. (Captain Kirk makes reference to a "five-year mission" in the introduction, but the show was not intended to stop after five seasons either.)<br/><br/>"Star Trek" was nearly canceled during both the first and second seasons. A very creative and aggressive letter-writing campaign to NBC was enough to save the series for a third season.<br/><br/>But the show was now scheduled in the Friday night 10-11 "suicide" slot. The slot was particularly bad for "Star Trek," whose typical fan would be going out on Friday night. (VCRs, of course, were not around in the late 60s.) After the third season, "Star Trek" was finally canceled.<br/><br/>Roddenberry promised that he would return to Producer status which he held in the first two pilots and the first nine regular episodes, if NBC puts the show to a decent, 7:30PM timeslot. However when NBC put Trek into the "suicide" slot of 10PM Fridays, he stepped off and had very little control over the series during the third season. According to <a href="/name/nm0000638/">William Shatner</a>'s book "Star Trek Memories," the campaign originated when <a href="/name/nm0872856/">Bjo</a> and John Trimble approached Gene Roddenberry, and they asked him for ideas on how to reach other fans of the show (The Internet did not exist in those days, so it had to be letters, phone calls, and face-to-face contact). As a token for their efforts, Bjo Trimble had a walk-on role in <a href="/title/tt0079945/">Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)</a> (1979). Fans of the show to this day regard the couplethe ones who saved "Star Trek." Though science-fiction conventions had been around long before "Star Trek" entered the scene (Gene Roddenberry premiered two episodes at a sci-fi convention), the first convention devoted to "Star Trek" took place in New York City, in 1972. Both were made up on the set by <a href="/name/nm0000559/">Leonard Nimoy</a>. In the script of "<a href="/title/tt0708463/">The Enemy Within</a>" Spock disabled the duplicate Kirk by pistol whipping him. Nimoy felt that it would be too "savage" and unsuitable for such a logical individualSpock. He asked the director if he could improvise his own idea. He said yes, and Nimoy choreographed the now-famous neck pinch with Shatner for the episode.
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last edited 260 weeks ago by inforbaper

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